Constructing a Dystopian Narrative Through Reading in 'Papers, Please' and 'Orwell'


  • Annika Elstermann Heidelberg University, Germany

Mots-clés :

Fiction dystopique, narratologie, jeux vidéos, réception, Dystopian fiction, narratology, video games, reader response, intéractivité, interactivity


Cet article analyse la construction d’une narration dans deux jeux vidéos dystopiques récents : Papers, Please (2013) et Orwell (2016). Il examine en particulier la dynamique entre lire et jouer et comment le lecteur est immergé dans l’histoire en participant activement au discours narratif. Nous étudierons l’effet que cela a non seulement sur les rôles traditionnels du narrateur, du lecteur et du protagoniste mais aussi sur la perception de la narration.


This paper analyses the construction of a narrative in two recent dystopian video games: Papers, Please (2013) and Orwell (2016). In particular, it examines the dynamic between reading and gaming, and how the reader is immersed in the story through active participation in the narrative discourse. The effect that this has not only on traditional roles of narrator, reader, and character, but also on the perception of the narrative will be investigated.

Biographie de l'auteur

Annika Elstermann, Heidelberg University, Germany

Annika Elstermann is a PhD Candidate in English Literature at Heidelberg University. Her thesis focuses on differences and similarities between digital and traditional forms of literature and the relationship between literary theory and digital texts. Her prior research also includes an article on electronic publishing in the humanities: “The Power of Digital Publishing: Rethinking Knowledge Distribution in English Philology” (2018).




Comment citer

Elstermann, A. (2019). Constructing a Dystopian Narrative Through Reading in ’Papers, Please’ and ’Orwell’. Publije, (1). Consulté à l’adresse //

